fimmtudagur, 13. janúar 2005


Svona er brot úr texta við lagið Special K með Placebo:

No hesitation
No delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half my stash
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation
No delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
En abbababb. Ég hef alltaf heyrt þennan texta svona:
No hesitation
No delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half moustache
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation
No delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
Tilhugsunin um mann sem gleypir hálft yfirvaraskegg er frekar skemmtileg. Textinn hefur gjörsamlega misst gildi sitt við þessa leiðréttingu.